Baby with dazzling white hair like Daenerys Targaryen in Game of Thrones makes the online community excited

A newborn baby girl wearing a beautiful white padlock has gone viral on the internet because of her striking resemblance to the character Daenerys Targaryen from Game of Thrones.

When Deina Smith, a Mississippi native, was born with snow-colored hair, her family was shocked.

A lot of people have looked over the pictures that 27-year-old Jessica Smitith, a single mother, posted of her shiny-haired newborn. There are many who think the pictures had to be altered.

But the scientists concluded that Deina’s unusual hair color was caused by a genetic condition called partial albinism. Her skin, hair, and eyes have lost pigment due to this sickness, which runs in families.

This incredibly rare genetic disorder only affects about 100,000 people in the United States and Europe.

Deina Smith was born in Mississippi, and her family was surprised to learn that she had bright white hair at birth.

The snow-white hue of Deina Hae’s hair has drawn attention from both the general public and the internet community.

Deina Smith, who was born on May 1st, is perfectly healthy despite her affliction, although she does need regular vision tests.

The mother of three, Smitith, said, “I never expected her to have hair like that,” expressing her amazement.

It wasn’t until after she gave birth that I found out.