The тongue is too big, but the baby is still an angel

Paisley was 16 months old and, in spite of her early struggles, she never stopped smiling.The infant had Beckwith-Wieden syndrome, an overgrowth disоrder that causes enlarged body parts, organs, and other symptoms. It affected Paisley’s internal organs and tongue.

Desp During two ultrasounds, Madison Kienow counts the’s fingers, toes, eyes, ears, and tongue. Then she sees the tongue of her small daughter. At that precise time, the 21-year-old giggled and remarked, “Oh so sweet, she likes to stick her tongue out.” She had no idea that a very uncommon inherited condition called ss truly causes it.At 31 weeks pregnant, she had a cesarean section to deliver Paisley. Kienow struggled to understand the dread and agony that had taken the place of what ought to have been a lovely day full of tears of joy. Her daughter has swollen organs and a tongue that totally fills the mouth cavity; she needs to be put on a ventilator immediately.

“There was actual feeling. It hurts even now. I was never able to hold her. I went to see her, but since I was getting stitches, they basically pulled out an open bed for me, and there I saw her with nothing but tubes and wires, Kienow told CBS News.According to Kienow, medical professionals were unaware of what had happened. But they understood that something needed to be done. They then told Kienow that her daughter needed to be flown to Sioux Falls, which was three hours away from Aberdeen, South Dakota, in order to see a specialist.

The newborn was taken to the neonatal intensive care unit at Sanford Children’s Hospital. Kienow joined his daughter the next day.After meeting with a group of experts, Kienow initially felt depressed because they were still unable to provide her a solid answer. However, after several weeks of research, doctors finally identified the issue: Beckwith-Wieden syndrome.

“I made myself responsible. Kienow recalled asking herself, “What did I do wrong?” throughout her pregnancy.But I was unable to halt it. She simply was born with it. Jesus wаnted me to have something that had a little more Uq.Now that Kienow has the answers she was looking for, she consults with medical experts to go through her choices for treating Paisley’s enlаrgement of the tongue. Three months later, Paisley underwent her first tongue-reduction procedure.