The “challenging” photo series of a one-year-old baby was met with widespread laughter on the internet

A baby’s first year of life is represented by the act of cuddling. Many families prefer to capture this momentous occasion with photographs, giving their children a keepsake they can look back on fondly even as adults.

The majority of parents will select humorous themes for their child’s first birthday photo album. Whether or not the kids help make that wish come true is another story. A succession of shots like this is likely to result if the kids aren’t enthusiastic about posing for pictures.

After sharing several photos of her son’s first birthday celebration on social media, Ms. Tran Tam from Ho Chi Minh City remarked, “This is my son when shooting pictures for your baby’s birthday. Is this typical of your kids? Don’t bother me, I’m busy at home, and I’m feeling emo.

“I don’t like bread, and I don’t like taking pictures.”

Curious, they clicked on Tran Tam’s photo, and were all shocked and amused by the “diffсt” collection of pictures. The boy was expressionless throughout, weeping the whole time. Occasionally he would cry, sometimes he would cry loudly, and occasionally he would scream as if he were being bullied. The boy continued to cry even while posing for concept photos with a charming bread maker and a colorful band.