Two twin children were denied the chance to live, a story that makes people feel sad

Consider, as well. Because Clod were born 10 days before the guidelines established by the hospital, they were not eligible for treatment and were instead allowed to pass away in the arms of their parents. Two twin children were denied the chance to live, a story that makes people feel sad

They came into the world at a gestational period of 21.3 weeks, despite the fact that twin B At 22.1 weeks, Clod measured five days longer than before. They were in such high demand, and everyone adored them.

They had to sаy goodbye to their older sister Océane as well as their mother and father. The lovely Sonia and Roy. We are a family when we are all together, and yo’ lads will be loved and missed in perpetuity!!!!

Please lend us your support in our figҺt to change the viability guidelines for micro preemies!! We are aware that infants as young as 21 weeks of gestation have not only survived, but are doing quite well!!! It is unacceptable for hospitals to allow healthy newborns to be abandoned and allowed to perish!