Baby girl gets mother’s white hair patch

People are constantly reminded of their unique traits. We try to hide it, fit in, and contribute to society. Respect and love ourselves enough to embrace our individuality and that of others. This young child may inspire future generations to adopt the same mindset.

MilliAnna Worthy, born 18 months ago to Brianna Worthy, 23, from Ridgeland, South Carolina, shares her mother’s condition, resulting in white front hair patches. But once I had her and they laid her on my chest and I saw she had it, I was so happy!

Poliosis makes hair and skin pigment-less. The mother anticipated her daughter to possess this unique trait. I was hoping she had it. I didn’t know if MilliAnna would get it because my mother’s younger sister didn’t. In her family, MilliAnna is the fourth generation with this condition.