The Amazing true story of how baby Moses was saved by chance and found on the river Nile

This poor kid’s mother apparently forgot him and dumped him off near our bus. Seeing baby Moses filled us with a range of feelings, including compassion, concern, and a resolve to make a difference. Our group was at first, but we acted swiftly. Poor little Moses was in a terrible shape, starved and malnourished. His frail appearance reflected the agony of his daily for survival.

The chances of him surviving the day were low, and we were aware of this. Our hearts sank as we accepted the challenge of nurturing this tiny life. Our medical staff worked tirelessly to get him the help he required right away. We gave him a gentle scrub, made sure his skin was dry, opened his airways, and gave him injections of Hepatitis B and vitamin K. It wasn’t an easy trip, but little Moses showed he was a fighter. His courage and determination shone through despite overwhelming odds.

His condition steadily improved over the course of several weeks, and a new sense of optimism began to take root. We saw a miracle happen right in front of our eyes because of our unyielding commitment and teamwork. Despite the doom that seemed to befall Baby Moses, he ultimately flourished. As time has passed, our appreciation and wonder for that momentous occasion has only grown. Abandoned and on the verge of hopelessness, Baby Moses is now a shining example of the transformative power of love and kindness.

The inspiring footage shot during those critical days is a reminder of the power of the human spirit and the extraordinary difference we can make when we work together toward a common goal. Baby Moses, with his sweet disposition and unyielding character, has forever changed our lives and the lives of countless others. Our thoughts and prayers are with Baby Moses as we send him off into a world we hope is full of happiness, love, and possibilities. Every life is worth fighting for, and every act of kindness has the power to change the world; may his story continue to inspire us to reach out and make a difference.