Mandalas made specially for each newborn child in a tiered arrangement

Gabriele Dabasinskaite is a professional photographer. I’ve been making mandalas and photographing newborns in their centers for almost 10 years. Bored Panda featured my work in 2019, following my first exhibition, “The Kids Of The Sun”. In 2022, I published “The Search Of The Inner Child” and would like to share it with you. Inner Child Search Part 2 Work is vital to me.

I use my photoshoots as therapy and meditation. My puzzle centers on every baby. Each setup is customized for the family I’m working with. The baby is my photo’s spirit, and putting it in the center is special.

I try to keep each mandala’s color palette unique. I draw inspiration from nature and use natural materials like leaves, seashells, stones, and flowers to create unique designs. I also use food and handmade paper decorations to match each season.