It’s wonderful, the couple lives happily and loves their child with a birth defect

A mother’s heartbreaking account of being hounded by online trolls as a result of posting pictures of her child with severe facial defects online recently surfaced.

She made a courageous effort to raise awareness about her child’s condition, but the trolls responded with insulting and derogatory comments, suggesting that she should keep her own child.

This tragic experience brings to light the shadowy aspect of modern society, where individuals can act inimically and hurt others’ feelings without repercussions.

This upsetting incident emphasizes the need of having genuine compassion for people who live with impairments as well that negativity and hatred can have on both individuals and their families.
Elijah was born to my Ward, 24, of Illinois, on January 31, 2020.

He had a condition known as amniotic bad syndrome, which develops when the sac of fluid that carries the embryo during pregnancy and causes amniotic bads to wrap around the fetus. This canine limb differs, has clefts, and even has defects.

Elijah suffered damage to his left foot, right hand, leaving him with a cleft lip and palate. A developmental defect of the eye called eee microphthalmia also resulted, making his right eye more smaller and more sensitive to light.