The children of short parents challenge the stereotypes of society

It’s remarkable that this family of three affected by dwarfism has been able to use social media to spread awareness of their condition and become an internet sensation thanks to the touching photos they’ve posted. Charli Worga has used her Instagram account to show that her family is just as strong and capable as any other, despite their visible differences.

Keep in mind that no matter how different or unique you are, you are still deserving of love, care, and respect in this world. It is inspiring that this family has been able to reach people all over the world with a message of acceptance and love.

It’s interesting to learn that the couple first met in 2012 on an Australian online gaming team and then tied the knot in May of last year. Charli Worga, 38, suffers from geophysical dysplasia, a more severe and uncommon form of dwarfism that she and her husband share. They are proof that love knows no bounds or barriers, as they have found love and happiness together despite their obvious physical differences.

Their ability to face adversity head-on and come out the other side with a strong, loving relationship is inspiring. Dwarfs, like everyone else, have the ability to conceive and carry healthy pregnancies. Some children may be born with dwarfism, but this is not necessarily indicative of a greater risk of developmental delays or other disabilities.